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Let's Talk About: Getting To Know People (Part 2)

Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash So I watched this interesting reel the other day.  It spoke about a challenge in introducing yourself. *But here's the catch - You're not allowed to touch on subjects like: What you do for a living Your career Your ethnicity Your nationality Where you study What you do for a hobby Where you live * In a culture where everyone would immediately jump towards one of the points listed above as a conversation starter... ... how would you introduce yourself to someone else then? ** The premise of that challenge was actually to skip the small talk, the cover ups that we usually use to mask our true self, and dive straight into the deep stuff.  Such as: What motivates you to wake up everyday to do what you do? What is your passion project and what are you working on at the moment to achieve it? What social causes make your heart beat and why? Who are you, truly? Beneath your education, your career and your achievements, who are you really? Definite

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