Let's Talk About: Getting To Know People

You meet someone new at your workplace. or a friend of a friend. 

You want to get to know them better. 

Within the first few moments of meeting them. 


What do you say?

What's the question that you usually ask when you meet someone new?

"What's your name?"

"What do you do?"


As if what a person does (aka usually a job / occupation denotes their whole identity).

But it doesn't. 

Reading the article titled, 'Three things I love about what I do' by Brad Montague, gave me new insight on how to approach someone that I just met.

Instead of - 

"What do you do?

Why not try asking -

"What do you love about what you do?"


Being someone who doesn't enjoy meaningless small talk, I love that this question immediately gets to the heart of the matter -

- really getting to know the person that you're speaking to, and finding out what helps them wake up in the morning and keeps them motivated to do what they do every day.

I've always had a thought that the world would be such a beautiful place to be in, if everyone could do what they love for every day of their lives without money being an issue.

You know, that moment when you see someone talking about or doing something they really love - how much they are enjoying themselves - and you can't help but be caught up in that moment as well; feelings and all. 

But perhaps, that is just a pipe dream.


The next best thing would be if everyone could find the something(s) that they love in their day-to-day lives, and be able to focus on that. Considering that we spent many many years of our lives working, I do pray and hope that everyone has that something that they love about what they do.

If you are reading this, do take some time to think about what you love about what you do.


Is it the people that you work with?

Is it the people that you get the opportunity to meet?

Is it the ability to curate stories that touch people's hearts when they read them? 

Is it that you get to share your love for your craft with the people who buys them? 

Is it that you get to perform a piece that you wrote and have people appreciate your art? 

Is it the ability to create and make something that helps to fulfill a need in society?

Is it the opportunity to help someone solve their problems? 

If you are reading this - and yet, do not yet have something in mind - I hope this post helps you take some time to reflect on what you are doing at the moment.

What do you love about what you do?

Do share with me of your thoughts in the comments!


1. https://bradmontague.substack.com/p/three-things-i-love-about-what-i?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 


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