My Reflections for 2023

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

As 2023 is coming to an end, I thought I would also do some reflecting, specifically on my writing journey.


The Why:

So I started my blog on 28 June 2023.

It was purposed to achieve a few things; 

  • to share my thoughts on the things that interest me;
  • to create awareness about mental health and the like; and 
  • to fill my time with a meaningful endeavor. 

I also have always enjoyed writing too.


I think I did manage to achieve all those set out above. 

It was fun too. 

To share a part of myself in this small corner of the world wide web. 

Perhaps I'll dabble in it a little more in the year ahead. 


The Challenges

Like with anything, it hasn't always been the easiest to maintain the blog regularly.

Inspiration eludes the best of us, and doesn't always come by quick at times.

Yet, I'm glad that I just took the plunge and tried my hand at something that I've been meaning to do this year. 

Here is my small way of trying my hand at something new this year. 

I could count it as a failure, for the many things that I did not achieve through my blog. The lack of views, the lack of interest, perhaps.

But I also want to count it as a success. Not for the fame, fortune and the like. 

But for putting myself out there and doing something for myself. 

For me.

I hope this little reflection encourages you to pursue your own little thing.

No matter what it may be. 

For yourself. 


So here's me wishing you a Blessed Christmas & a Happy New Year!


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