Let's Talk About: Vulnerability


The fundamental element for human connection.

We need to be vulnerable in order to be really seen as who we are.



How we deal with vulnerability.

We numb it. 

However, we cannot selectively numb emotions. 

The result is that we numb everything.

As we numb the negative and messy emotions, we numb the positive emotions as well. 

It becomes a dangerous cycle. 

We may end up not being able to feel anything.


How we deal with vulnerability.

We make the uncertain certain. 

To avoid the fear of the unknown. 

We want to control. We want to know.


Yet, at the same time, there is also beauty in the mystery and the unknown. 

Exploring and searching.

The surprise. 

The exuberance. 

The joy.


We all are striving to create perfect-looking lives.

We all want to be envied.


Arguably the beauty of life is the imperfections, and how we emerge from our struggles. 

That shows our strength. 

That shows our humanity. 

That shows who we are.


So, how do we experience life to the fullest?

We need to let ourselves be seen. Really seen. 

Vulnerably seen. 

To love with our whole heart. 

Is scary but necessary, in order to feel the whole range of emotions. 

It may hurt. 

But it is part of being human.



To remember.

To practice gratitude in our heart. 

So we do not take for granted what we have. 

Even as we're striving for deeper connections.



1) https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en 


  1. Hate to agree with the part of we can't numb our emotions as much as we really want to 🥲

    1. Emotions are what allows us to fully enjoy life as well, although there are many painful ones that we have to experience too. Hope you are finding healthy ways to cope with whatever that you're going through.


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