Let's Talk About: Depression

This post is for people who wants to understand depression, and to understand people who struggle with depression. 

What is depression?

It is a mental disorder. 

It is fast becoming common, or at least common in our conversations nowadays. 


Depression involves being in a depressed mood (sad, irritable, empty) or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time (WHO, 2023).

Do you have depression? (Do you know someone who is struggling with depression?)

You can try this quick test to get an inkling on whether you might be struggling with depression (or whether you know someone who might be struggling with depression).

Alternatively, this non-exhaustive list are the symptoms that are commonly experienced by people who are struggling with depression:

  • poor concentration
  • feelings of excessive guilt or low self-worth
  • hopelessness about the future
  • thoughts about dying or suicide
  • disrupted sleep
  • changes in appetite or weight
  • feeling very tired or low in energy
Having a depressive episode is different from regular mood changes. Depressive episodes can last for most of the day, being a constant feeling every day, for a prolonged period of time (at least two weeks).

There are mild, moderate or severe depressive episodes, and the severity depends on the symptoms and the impact on a person's functioning. 

Having an episode or a pattern of depressive episodes can affect all aspects of your life.

What are the causes of depression?

There are a myriad of causes but adverse life events (unemployment, bereavement, traumatic events) or a stressful life situation or circumstance that is prolonged could also cause symptoms of depression. 

What can I do to overcome depression? (What can you do to help someone to overcome depression?)

If you are struggling with one or more of the symptoms listed above, please reach out to a loved one and do seek help from a mental health professional. (You can refer to the list of links on the left side of this blog, if you would like some references. Feel free to explore on your own too.) 

Untreated depressive symptoms could pave the way to more serious disorders.

On that note, I believe that getting the necessary help in Malaysia is pretty affordable, where price ranges from RM50 - RM100 per hour / session for counseling. Most centers also post their prices up on their website, so you can view the prices as well as potential counsellors available, before arranging for a meeting with them. It can also be done face-to-face or online, whichever arrangement suited to your needs. 

At the same time, you can actively be involved in some self-care to manage your own symptoms as well as to promote your own well-being (or to encourage someone to do so!):
  • try to keep doing activities you used to enjoy
  • stay connected to friends and family
  • exercise regularly, even if it’s just a short walk
  • stick to regular eating and sleeping habits as much as possible
  • avoid or cut down on alcohol or drugs, which can make depression worse
  • talk to someone you trust about your feelings 
Understanding depression 

To understand depression more or people who struggle with depression, you can watch this video as a starting point:

But at the core of it is - to reach out to the people in your circle of influence that may be struggling with stress, life events, or just life in general. 

Talk to them. About the tough stuff. 

That's a start.

Let's create conversations and generate discussions about mental health. 


1. World Health Organisation, 2023: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression#:~:text=Overview,and%20feelings%20about%20everyday%20life. 

2. New Zealand Government, Health Promotion Agency: https://www.depression.org.nz/is-it-depression-anxiety/self-test/depression-test/ 


  1. I'm truly grateful for this blog post on depression. Depression is a silent battle that many people face, and it's essential that we continue to raise awareness and provide support for those going through it.

    1. Thank you for your comment and appreciate the kind words. Agree with what you have said.


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