Let's Talk About - Mental Health

NOTE to readers: Sorry for the hiatus as I was working on my exams for a few weeks! Now that I have a break - I'm back to writing! Right into one of the topics close to my heart. 


While driving a few weeks back, was pondering about mental health and how this issue is still so stigmatised in Malaysia. 

Wanted to un-stigmatise this topic amongst the people living in Malaysia, especially for the urban folks in KL and Selangor area.

So I got to think - How to do this?

For now, it has got to be: Creating awareness by generating discussions.

Was inspired to write about this topic based on this Instagram post - check it out here @ymi_today - also included their website on the left side of the blog which has a ton of resources to check out as well.


Photo by Emily Underworld on Unsplash

Mental health. 

Most people don't even know about this aspect of their life. 

How healthy they are mentally, and the ways to check up on their mental health and how to maintain good mental health. 

Compared to physical health, which has definitely gained much traction in the recent years in terms of self-care, body-building, being fit and eating clean.


Going deeper down into mental health issues. 

Most people don't even know about this intricacies of mental illnesses, unless this has affected, is affecting or will be affecting a loved one or a friend. 

I think, similar to most issues, we don't know or rather, don't care about an issue (regardless of topic), until it affects someone that we know - then suddenly it's close to home, and we start looking into the topic, finding information and diving deeper into it.

Perhaps our understanding on these issues is also shallow and confined to more serious illnesses such as bipolar disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),  schizophrenia, Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). 

Side note: we also often hear terms like ADHD and OCD and we throw these terms around easily, at times even misusing them copying how we hear them being used lightly on social media. 

In reality, mental health illnesses are way closer to home than these serious illnesses. They are depression, anxiety / panic attacks, social anxiety, and eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia). 

They also affect many people who seem 'normal' or who are 'doing okay' in their daily lives. 

We might be surprised how many people that are around us: our family members, friends, classmates, course-mates, schoolmates, housemates, colleagues, supervisors, bosses - who might have struggled or are currently struggling with their mental health. 

There's so many things we should be doing. On a big scale. To help de-stigmatise mental health as an issue and topic of discussion where we are. To create awareness of the debilitating effects of mental health on the society and nation. 

But at the heart of it. We can just start by:

  • Just being open and okay to have loved ones struggle with such issues; and
  • Being available to listen and support them emotionally.
Then, if we ever feel out of depth in doing so, gently encourage them to seek support from a professional. (there are some links are at the left side of this blog that may be helpful!)

Reach out. 

Reach in. 

Let's create awareness in our own circle of influence. Slowly, but surely. 


  1. Hope your exams went well and may the good Lord bless you with good excellent results !!! Glad you are bringing awareness to mental health. So many are going through a lot with so many noise ... If you have the time , do take a look at the documentary stutz.

    1. Hi Joe. Thank you for your kind words. Will definitely check out the documentary suggested by your goodself!

  2. Hope your exams went well~
    I recently reached out for psychiatric help. By default, I feel resistance in sharing specifics with my loved ones. Perhaps its self induced stigma.
    Maybe I should try and open up abit and give them a chance to have a real discussion about mental health with a real life example in front of them.

    1. So sorry I remember replying to this post but somehow the comment disappeared!

      Thank you for your well wishes!

      It's great to hear that you have reached out for professional help. I think its normal to feel resistance from sharing details to friends and family, as we care about their opinions about us. Notwithstanding the fact that mental health issues are not discussed as openly in Asian countries compared to other countries.

      You are already so courageous to take the first step to reach out for help. Take it one step at a time. Do take care.


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