Career Talk: The Suitability of Interests & Your Career

So, I've been taking this career counselling subject in my Masters course recently. 

It has been rather interesting.

What was interesting was how they talked about common sense things - identifying your interests, values and aptitude with different things - and then narrowing them down to a potential career. 

Sounds deceptively simple, right?

But to a young person who is undergoing so many transitions in their lives - biological (body changes), psychological (brain and mind changes) and social (interactions with the people and the world around them & its complexities) - this may not even cross their minds.

And then, they are pushed to making decisions about which course to take and what they want to pursue. Which would potentially lock them in that career for a few years at least. Not to mention the substantial investment of their parents' monies in that chosen course. 

Talk about pressure to make the right decision!

I think that's where career counselling actually comes into practice. I, for one, think that it would have been immensely useful when I was having to make that decision for myself.

I have always liked taking personality tests and the like - now, they wouldn't make me change my career trajectory and my life perhaps, but it's interesting to see whether I made the 'conventional' career choice, based on my interests. I think it's important that we understand ourselves better as we age and it's always good to find out more about yourself! 

As with all 'tests' that you take - whether physically or online - take it with a pinch of salt. 

It may not be life-changing. It might be. 

Regardless, it helps you make a more educated choice, with this as your part of your 'vocabulary'.

Do you know whether your interests suit your career?

Was your results what you expected? 

Take your top three (3) results (e.g. R / I / A) - and you can actually search for your 'most suited' occupation through this website! You can input your top 3 results and find out more about suitable occupations or search by categories (R) or (I) etc.

Do note, however, that this is a collection of occupations based in the United States (US) and therefore may not all be applicable to you, if you live in another country. 


Depending on the results, 
  • Take this opportunity to rediscover your area of interests; 
  • Maybe you can find a way to include your interests in your life, as a hobby;
  • Or perhaps reconsider your career pathway? 
It's always a good time to reflect. 

It's never too late. 

On a side note -  

I do believe that everyone has their own set of interests AND has been given their own set of talents / skills - for a reason and a purpose! 

The world would definitely be a much more beautiful place if everyone got to practice their talents / skills in their area of interest :)) - of course, if finance and other issues taken out of consideration here.

It's always a good time to reflect. 

It's never too late. 



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