Mental Health Review: Plus Vibes

Free. Affordable.

As Asians, we are always on the lookout for a good deal. Something that gets us value for money.

What about in the Mental Health realm?

Free / Affordable counselling.

Free Mental Health Resources.

When I first got into the field, I was also on the lookout for what were the rates for mental health assistance and how easy was it to obtain such help through an online search?

This was also spurred by conversations with peers who were looking for affordable mental health services. 

I then chanced upon this mobile application which purported to provide mental health support 24/7. Further, it originated from Malaysia! I was rather curious and tried the app for myself. 

It's called PlusVibes (!

From my usage of the app, you can get a few things here:

  • Most importantly, free "counselling" (or rather, someone to talk to) **Note: you get 10 free tokens per month (which refreshes at the beginning of each month!). You need 1 token for one 45 minutes conversation block of time to speak with someone on the app (they are called a Viber). If you need more tokens, they do have an option to purchase more tokens on an individual / company basis.
  • A mood tracker (to self-track your daily moods, reasons for your moods which would then record your moods on a monthly calendar)
  • A wheel of life (to self-track your journey in different aspects of your life)
  • Short self-taken modules / assessments on different mental health related topics (like Coping Strategies, Resilience, Sleep, Stress, Anxiety, Depression etc)
  • Videos on different mental health related topics (like Coping Strategies, Resilience, Sleep, Stress, Anxiety, Depression etc) that you can watch as your interest / needs guide you
  • A guide on relaxation activities like music, meditation etc
For people who are considering to find out more about the different aspects of mental health or perhaps want to try out 'counselling' or are looking for someone to talk to about themselves without the commitment of a fee or having to travel to a center physically perhaps - it's also a great starting point.

Of course it doesn't replace the need for a more comprehensive counselling session(s) with a licensed counsellor / clinical psychologist, but it is definitely better than having no help or support at all.

It is also available to be purchased by a company for the use of their employees too. I believe this could be part of a company's Employee Assistance Program, if your company has such a benefit provided. 

You can try it out for yourself by downloading the free app from Google PlayStore or the Apple Store!

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