Why and how did I get into talking about Mental Health?

    Growing up I have to say that I never really heard the words "Mental Health" mentioned in conversations with my peers, parents and colleagues alike. Therefore I think that having had a chance to face situations that brought topics such as depression, anxiety and self-harm shocked me when I had the opportunity to work with youths at my local church. 

    Although I have only heard about such topics later on in my life, I do believe that there has been many (who are now adults) that has struggled through similar experiences growing up too. This is why creating awareness and making such topics common amongst adults and young people alike is more important than ever.

    Living in the city all my life and being at the heart of the bustling, you would think that I would be aware of resources - whether physical or electronic ones - but I would have to say that I have not had such an exposure. Perhaps I have been living in a bubble or a 'tempurung', or perhaps I have had the privilege of never needing such resources.

    Regardless, having taken a step into the mental health industry early this year, and perhaps pursuing a career in it in the near future, I think that everyone, not just people who are struggling with issues / problems alike, that can benefit from being aware of such conditions. Even as the world progresses with technology and other advancements, we are still human and I believe that mental health issues can be a struggle that everyone can face in their lifetime. Just like our physical health, where people go to lengths to keep healthy, we also need to take time to look at and look after our mental health, so that we don't fall sick or have chronic or even terminal illnesses.

    We now have the opportunity to access so many resources literally at our fingertips, and yet at times we are at lost to where to start our search. I hope that this can be one of the places that you can find some solace in, and where you are able to find some point from where you can search further for what you are looking for. 


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